Sunday 10 June 2012

If I can collect a dollar for every time someone asks how to get off a weight-loss plateau, I would be driving a swanky luxury car right now.. So if this applies to you, here's a useful, tried and tested (by yours truly) tip :-  I am a sucker for experimenting on ways to overcome this bane of my existence. The PLATEAU !! And one of the best tools I find most effective is Zigzag eating ie; dropping and increasing calorie intake each day. Fluctuate your daily calorie intake. For example eat as you normally do today, and cut down the calories by half tomorrow, and load up the following day back to your normal intake. Do this for a week while still keeping to your workout routines. The idea is to keep your metabolism guessing. There's no magic number that works for everyone, so you'll have to experiment until you find the right calorie levels for you. I usually observe a full-day fast every other day and it works great for me !

This is what Fitness Expert Steve Edwards had to say about zigzag eating - "What happens when you zigzag is that you force your body to choose how many calories it needs to recover from the rigors of your exercise program. Most people who hit a plateau are undereating. If you are indeed undereating, adding calories for a few days, then lowering them again, will help you force your body into a hormonal response that will not only help you break out of a plateau, but—as you learn to recognize the signals—will teach you how much food you should be eating." 

Well, there's one way to go... There are more tips coming up on this subject so stay with us... Good luck, guys !!!

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