Sunday 10 June 2012

If I can collect a dollar for every time someone asks how to get off a weight-loss plateau, I would be driving a swanky luxury car right now.. So if this applies to you, here's a useful, tried and tested (by yours truly) tip :-  I am a sucker for experimenting on ways to overcome this bane of my existence. The PLATEAU !! And one of the best tools I find most effective is Zigzag eating ie; dropping and increasing calorie intake each day. Fluctuate your daily calorie intake. For example eat as you normally do today, and cut down the calories by half tomorrow, and load up the following day back to your normal intake. Do this for a week while still keeping to your workout routines. The idea is to keep your metabolism guessing. There's no magic number that works for everyone, so you'll have to experiment until you find the right calorie levels for you. I usually observe a full-day fast every other day and it works great for me !

This is what Fitness Expert Steve Edwards had to say about zigzag eating - "What happens when you zigzag is that you force your body to choose how many calories it needs to recover from the rigors of your exercise program. Most people who hit a plateau are undereating. If you are indeed undereating, adding calories for a few days, then lowering them again, will help you force your body into a hormonal response that will not only help you break out of a plateau, but—as you learn to recognize the signals—will teach you how much food you should be eating." 

Well, there's one way to go... There are more tips coming up on this subject so stay with us... Good luck, guys !!!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Our Partner in #Fitness

TNF Fitworks Sdn Bhd and Unleashed is honored to welcome Line 7 Sport Apparel as our official apparel sponsor.  Thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to many, many more fruitful adventures with our partners.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Our Partner in #FITNESS !!

TNF FITWORKS Sdn Bhd is proud to be in collaboration with World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine (WAAAM). Looking forward to a fruitful and successful 2012. Join us on our journey towards nurturing a healthier, fitter and more integrated lifestyle. Say YES to LIFE ....

Monday 19 December 2011

UNLEASHED 2012; "... Powering the BODY, Empowering the MIND.... "

 *For more information on scheduled fees and discounts, please email to  

For outstation participants, we are working to secure lodgings for your stay in KL at reasonable discounts. Please let us know in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements for you.  Hope to see you guys !!! 

Unleashed Team..

UNLEASHED 2012 #Fitness Revolution... February 25 & 26, 2012 in KUALA LUMPUR, #Malaysia

Its not enough to know that you need to incorporate movement in your lives. You need to know WHY too... And once you do, you will automatically want to know HOW ! Throughout the years, the science of exercise and fitness has evolved so much and so fast that what we swore by when we were younger are most likely deemed obsolete and even dangerous now. The human body, like everything else, has evolved too. Our lifestyles and habits are constantly changing with the times, altering our immune system, compromising our strength and resistance. We are not as durable as our forefathers were, at least not physically, The younger generation is cut out from a more sedentary cloth, customized for indoors and limited movement capacity. And that has borne forth a multitude of complications health-wise simply because the human body IS indeed specifically created for movement so the lack of it weakens the body. The good news is, more and more of us are aware of this predicament and are making efforts to make changes in our lifestyles to rectify the problem. The bad news however is that most of us did not know where to begin.

This has made it absolutely necessary for everyone, not necessarily just the fitness industry movers, to be updated on the latest findings in exercise science and updates on fitness tips on safety and effectiveness.  And that is what makes our mission statement. To educate and enhance your knowledge on exercise and fitness in general  the best way we know how; fitness symposiums and seminars, workshops, masterclasses and for the professionals, certification courses.

We are starting off 2012 with a big bang.. UNLEASHED 2012, already cited as THE Fitness event of the year when it first debut in January 2011 is making a comeback. This time, we are packing it up and going high gear with the best presenters we can find locally AND Internationally.

TWO whole days of jam packed action, TWO halls running concurrently so there is always something for EVERYONE..

You can be a fitness enthusiast - a beginner, intermediate or seasoned exerciser, aerobics instructor, or someone who wishes to be one; you can be a freelance fitness instructor or high flying trainer in a gargantuan gymnasium; you may be a PE teacher or a professional sport coach who are looking to improve your game. The only prerequisite we may have for you to be eligible for this event is your love for the HUMAN BODY !!  

So if you think you qualify, come join us in February for UNLEASHED 2012 and have a rockin' good time while you kickstart your new year by burning off those unwanted post-holiday calories !! Walk away wiser, knowing YOU now can make a difference in your life and others around you coz you have UNLEASHED your inert energy towards a healthier fitter body !!

Email us now for more details and get your tickets to the best fitness party ever.

PS - Grab a free exclusive UNLEASHED Tshirt (Line 7 Dryfit)  by quoting "Alright, Unleash ME " in your emails. Just our way of giving back, y'alls !!


Sunday 13 November 2011


Simone, a former certified nurse, who originated from Germany, started teaching Group Fitness Classes since the age of 18. She has obtained various internationally recognized certifications and has presented in numerous Group Fitness Conventions in both Germany and Malaysia. Simone is not a stranger in UNLEASHED when she presented her Back To The Core in January this year to rave reviews. She will be back again for UNLEASHED 2012.

She is a sought after Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer who specializes in Pre & Post Natal workout, Indoor Cycling, trampoline classes, GymStick training and Les Mills Programs.


1)    Prime Power HiLo

A fun filled combination of High-Low impact class suitable for every individual, irregardless if you're a novice or an advanced exerciser. Prime Power challenges your mental coordination through flowing arm and body movements to kick-start your metabolic rate!! Scheduled as an opening session to start the weekend, there is possibly no better way to jump-start the energy needed for UNLEASHED 2012.  It’s a classic endorphin-packed, fat-burning session that should never be left out of any group fitness class schedule. Learn new choreography and skills to incorporate into your own classes..

2)     Yummy Mummy - Pre And Post Natal Fitness

Learn how to design special exercises and Group Fitness classes for pregnant women and how to get back in shape in a quick but safe way after childbirth. Master the techniques and add another feather to your hat with new knowledge to make you a better instructor.
(* for more fun – bring a baby doll )

Saturday 12 November 2011


Nikhil Abraham (Nik) is an accomplished personal trainer, lifestyle & wellness coach and is an examiner accredited by FISAF ( Federation of International Sports, Aerobics and Fitness). Aside from being a professional fitness model himself, this super-talented (and super HOT) trainer is also the owner of Phyzique Pte Ltd, a fitness company specialised in bootcamps and personal training in Singapore. He attributes his success to the fact that his profession is his absolute passion. Nik was a fitness fanatic from a young age. In addition to his involvement in 5 years of military training. Nik's fun loving personality and attention to detail, coupled with his knowledge and certifications has made him into one of Singapore's finest trainers as he applies strategies and uses techniques and equipment on par with top world trainers such as Todd Durkin and Fraser Quelsh.  He regularly attends and participates in international fitness conventions all over the world such as the IDEA World Fitness Convention in USA and the Asia Fitness Convention in Bangkok to keep abreast of current research and ideas.


1) The Business of Fitness

Running your own fitness business requires you to be an expert in a lot of different areas and sometimes that can be an incredibly challenging position to be in. When we (or pretty much anyone else for that matter) talk about running a successful fitness business, it often turns to marketing and sales or developing and implementing programs. All of that ‘stuff’ is important.  Even crucial.  But if you want to be successful, you need a foundation. This is what this workshop will give you. An edge to be not just the awesome fitness instructor or trainer that you already are, but to be the most in demand. So whether you are selling personal training or group aerobics packages, you need to first know how to sell yourself. Definitely NOT to be missed by any fitness professional in the same timezone ! 

2) Boot Camps > The OUTDOOR Fitness Revolution !

Are you ready to reach the next level in your fitness regime? Perhaps you are just starting out and aren’t sure how to even begin. Or maybe you were fit at one time but due to marriage, children and a job you have let yourself go. If you’re ready to do something about it that isn’t just good, it’s great, BOOT CAMP is the way to go. Find out more from Singapore's top Boot Camp coach as he takes you to a new level of workout you never dreamed you could be doing. Just Bring it !!