Saturday 17 September 2011

When you want to lose weight, #FITNESS MATTERS !!

When you are aiming to shed excess pounds, increasing the amount of exercise helps not just to expedite your goals but also increase health benefits along the way. Research has proven that death rates are significantly lower in those who are overweight BUT FIT then those who are slim but sedentary. In the long run, #fitness is a much stronger determinant of health than body weight. That ultimately means, just because you are losing weight does NOT mean you are necessarily healthier..Any weight loss attempts without exercise are both less healthful and more likely to fail, when the goal is to keep off the excess weight permanently. It is, therefore, important to ensure that one is expending sufficient calories through exercise to experience enough weight loss to keep him/her motivated. There is enough scientific proof that shows even in the absence of weight loss in the overweight population, improved fitness results in markedly improved health and reduced risk of chronic disease.

So to all those out there who are taking the easy way out by pursuing weightloss by just cutting calories and skipping the fitness aspects of it, please know that you are hardly gaining any advantage aside from dropping a few dress/pant sizes. For one, you will not be very successful in keeping the weight off for long; and two - you are not doing anything to improve the quality of your life. So if you are working towards reducing weight to improve the way you look, why not make it worthwhile by improving the way you FEEL too. Make it FIT, folks !

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